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marketing du recrutement

    Marketing and recruitment form a perfect pair: to find THE candidate, you need to recruit, and to recruit, you need to put in place a strategy that aims to attract the profiles you’re looking for. Indirectly, the company goes to the candidate it is looking for, and that candidate comes directly to it.


    A recent concept

    Recruitment marketing has become an essential concept today: with digitalisation and the communication campaigns that are possible, a company has all the cards in its hands to find the person it is looking for.

    We can talk about the notion of employee experience. According to Séverine Loureiro, this is “all the emotions felt by employees when they interact with the company, at the points of contact, and throughout their career: before, during and after their time with the company”.

    This concept consists of making candidates want to join the company: it is therefore absolutely essential to be transparent about the company’s values and mindset, backed up by concrete evidence, such as testimonials from other employees.

    To succeed in your strategy, you need to take a number of factors into account:


    Analyse your strengths and weaknesses in relation to your competitors

    Define the brand’s values and clarify its history: this is the brand identity.

    Answer the question: why this company and not another?

    Bring together all the differentiating factors that will give the candidate a real opportunity.

    Formulate a value proposition, i.e. define the brand’s positioning for a candidate

    Put in place (digital) tools to support the recruitment campaign.

    By answering these points, you will necessarily be building a good strategy that will ensure you don’t miss out on potential talent.


    In this way, you can put in place an effective and targeted recruitment process thanks to these different stages. What’s more, you’ll increase brand awareness on social networks, since you’ve clearly defined the brand’s identity.  It also saves an enormous amount of time in the process, thanks to a targeted and attractive campaign. And, of course, you maximise the chances of finding the right candidate!


    With Adison.ai, we can advise you on setting up your strategy and help you choose your recruitment campaign. Thanks to the artificial intelligence we use, the process is that much simpler and more creative !

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